Bars, blocks and Street Walkers

Bars, Blocks and Streetwalkers at Varsity
Started with a short mosey then circle up for a warm up of: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. All in a variation of 10-15 reps I/C.

Thang 1: Four-corners Street walker style
Four corners/cones: 1st= 10 merkins, 2nd=20 LBCs, 3rd=30 monkey hmprs, 4th=40 SSH. Routine is: cone 1, then back to start line, then cone 1, cone 2, then reverse to cone 1 again and back to start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, then reverse: cone 2, cone 1, start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, cone 4, then reverse: cone 3, cone 2, cone 1 then start line. Results in: 70 merkins, 100 LBCs, 90 Monkeys, 40 SSH.
Short mosey run

Thang 2: Bars and Blocks
Alternated between doing 10 reps on the bar and 20 reps with a cindy. Bars were: pull ups, chin ups, switch grip, switch grip, toes to bar. Blocks were squats, KB swings, curls, OH press, bent over rows.
Short mosey run

Thang 3: pass the ammunition
Pax curb plank. Cindy gets passed down the line of pax, then 3 curb merkins, cindy gets passed back to starting pax, 3 merkins, pass cindy rinse/repeat for a about four cycles.
Short mosey run

Thang 4: wall sit while each pax runs out and does two manmakers with cindy.
Mary, COT, Fini.
Total of 5 pax.

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